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Our kidneys eliminate the waste out of the body and work for the maintenance of our health. The two kidneys work as the filtration section of our body and tend to remove unnecessary compounds such as creatinine. Creatinine is a waste that is produced by muscle metabolism. Being a waste compound, it gets excreted by the kidneys. The amount of creatinine that stays in the blood remains there until the kidneys excrete them out with the help of the filtration process. The level of creatinine rises in the blood with the existence of kidney damage or disease. There are many people who are undergoing dialysis for the overall management of blood creatinine. Ayurvedic kidney treatment guides such patients about how to reduce creatinine naturally.

Factors: For High Creatinine

To get the answer to how to reduce creatinine naturally, it is essential to discuss the factors that cause its level to increase in blood. These factors are:

  • Low water intake or dehydration
  • Intake of certain medicines such as NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors
  • Heavy exercising
  • The occurrence of any kidney disease
  • High blood pressure level or hypertension
  • High blood sugar level
  • Heavy blood loss due to an injury
  • Excess intake of red meat
  • Excess production of protein in the body

By avoiding all the factors mentioned above, a person can manage the level of creatinine in the blood easily. Besides ignoring these factors, it is also important for a person to detect the symptoms linked with high blood creatinine levels, which are:

  • Vomiting and nausea due to waste build-up in the blood
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling in the body
  • Tiredness and weakness
  • More urination at night
  • Itchy and dry skin
  • Breathing-related complications

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine not only guides kidney patients about how to reduce creatinine by Ayurveda but also relieves the above-mentioned symptoms naturally.

6. Steps to reducing creatinine levels naturally

  1. Stay hydrated- Staying hydrated is next to keep kidneys healthy. Your kidneys need a sufficient amount of fluid in the form of water to function at its core capacity. While too much water can be harmful to people with kidney disease, dehydration can raise the levels of creatinine in the body. Make sure you consult a healthcare provider who can tell you the right quantity of water you should drink. If you don’t like drinking plain water, you can also add lemon or cucumber to change the taste and make it enjoyable. Many people prefer taking green tea to mark fluid consumption when they have kidney disease but make sure you drink it in moderation.
  2. Avoid creatinine-based supplements: Some people consume creatinine-based supplements to improve their energy levels. Such bodybuilders and athletes consume creatinine to enhance their muscles more. Your muscles need creatine for the conversion of energy. This creatine is produced when you consume protein and gets converted into creatinine when left unused. Your body naturally produces creatinine as a byproduct of muscle energy, and when you consume such supplements, the creatinine level in the blood rises. Your body is not able to get rid of creatinine when the kidney is diseased.
  3. Avoid heavy exercise: The body converts food into energy when you do exercise and enforces digestion. As a result, creatinine gets produced in excess resulting in the waste build-up in the blood. Exercise is still important for the body to function properly and to yield benefits such as weight loss, so you would not be interested in cutting it down from your routine. Better swap such intense workouts with some easy exercises such as yoga. Avoid weightlifting, playing basketball, and cardiac instead try walking.
  4. Take sound sleep: Sleeping is necessary to reduce stress. When you sleep, most of the functions that your body does decrease for the time being. This also includes the body’s metabolism rate of converting creatine to creatinine. This allows the body to filter more creatinine before it can further accumulate in the blood. Aim to sleep for at least 8 hours daily, so that you are not sleep-deprived, and no physical stress is levied on the body. On account of not getting enough sleep, the kidneys may become stressed, which reduces their ability to filter creatinine.
  5. Reduce sodium intake: When the kidneys are not healthy because of blood pressure, there are certain things you need to take care of to prevent the blood pressure from further rising. High sodium consumption can influence the body’s function in many ways. The intake of sodium is also related to an unhealthy amount of fluid retention, which may further raise the high blood pressure level. Such conditions can result in high creatinine levels in the blood. To cut down your sodium intake, you can avoid canned food products and salty foods and opt for low-sodium food products.
  6. Avoid protein: Protein is needed for the proper functioning of the muscles and the body, but the high consumption of protein is also linked to more creatine in the body, which results in creatinine. Hence, if your kidney function is low, you should avoid high protein sources of food such as red meat and dairy products as much as possible. Dietary protein comes from animal products, and so should not be eaten when the kidney function is low, and the creatinine is abnormally high. Simultaneously, make sure not to forget the plant-based sources of protein to include in your diet like legumes.

How Ayurveda Reduces Creatinine Naturally

Kidney treatment in Ayurveda is a significant way of treatment, which includes natural herbs to improve some of the crucial functions of the kidneys. Ayurveda never recommends a patient to go for any artificial or surgical procedure because all such conditions can also be treated with the help of Ayurveda only. For treating a high creatinine level, the patient can take a healthy renal diet plan together with the ayurvedic medications. Such a combination of ayurvedic medicines and a healthy diet can eliminate the need to rely on dialysis-like procedures for renal failure. At Karma Ayurveda, kidney patients are provided with the right medications and a healthy diet plan so that their meals will not put any pressure on the patient’s kidney and will improve the patient’s health significantly. Dr. Puneet Dhawan, who is currently running this ayurvedic kidney care institution, has become a ray of hope for many kidney patients. He had derived many kidney patients away from the dialysis protocol and had provided them with a healthy and disease-free life. Consult to know more!


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