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The last stage of chronic kidney disease is known as kidney failure at which many of kidney patients are asked to undergo dialysis or to get their kidney transplant done. Kidneys are those important parts of our body which perform filtration functions and help in the removal of waste and toxins. But at the stage of kidney failure, a person’s kidneys are not able to do so because of which waste and toxins start getting build up inside the body. Ayurvedic kidney disorder treatment works to stop this build-up of toxins by curing the damage that occurs inside the kidneys.

Ayurvedic Kidney Disorder Treatment

Yes! Ayurvedic kidney disorder treatment works as a permanent solution for kidney-related problems and diseases. It is that way of treatment which never found to link with any dangerous complications and helps in the right elimination of causes that give way to the situation of kidney failure. There are different aspects that make Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure a permanent solution. These aspects are:

  • Ayurvedic Medicines- Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease will prescribe you Ayurvedic medicines that don’t contain any kind of artificial agents, drugs, or antibiotics. All ayurvedic medicines for kidney disease contain natural and unrefined herbs which consist of herbs such as Varun, kaasni, and punarnava. These herbs work to eliminate the root causes of kidney disease permanently and prevent the further occurrence of complications that are linked to kidney disease.

  • Healthy Diet Chart- This treatment will also serve you with a healthy diet plan that will provide the necessary nutrients to every damaged section of your body and work to repair the damage in a natural way.

  • Guidance about Yoga- Ayurvedic treatment will also guide you about some yoga postures that are helpful in the natural healing of kidney disorders.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Disorder

At Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan provides such a kidney disorder treatment to all kidney patients that works to remove the complications in a natural way. By providing a healthy life to more than 35000 patients, Karma Ayurveda is providing kidney dialysis treatment in Ayurveda, or kidney transplant, since 1937. So if you want to say goodbye to every kidney-related disorder in a natural way, then Karma Ayurveda can help you to do so and will show you a way that is away from every risk.


Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."

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