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Ayurvedic Medicine and a Perfect Diet Plan for Kidney Diseases

Kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys entirely or partially stop functioning. If such a situation is not treated on time, it can result in kidney failure. Your kidneys have some significant functions to perform in the body, such as:

  • They dispose of the waste fluids from the body
  • Balance the acids and maintain the blood flow in the body
  • If any of these functions are disrupted, it indicates a condition of kidney failure

Usually, middle and older people who already have diabetes and high blood pressure are more prone to kidney disease.

Ayurvedic Medicine and a Perfect Diet Plan for Kidney Diseases

The most daunting situation with kidney disease is that its symptoms are only visible in later stages. The most common symptoms that one can experience in the later stages are nausea, vomiting, change in color of urine, swelling, and back pain. If these signs prevail for long, one should go for immediate treatment. The majority of people with chronic kidney disease go for kidney transplants or dialysis in later stages.

In a kidney transplant, the diseased kidney is replaced with a new one. In dialysis, the waste is artificially removed from the body through a machine placed outside the body. However, dialysis doesn’t correct the endorphin level, and along with the treatment, one has to take a complete course of allopathic medicines which can have many side-effects on the other parts of the body. Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Failure Treatment is the best type of treatment for a permanent cure.

Natural herbal remedy for kidney failure treatment and Diet Plan

The Ayurvedic treatment alone can’t benefit the patient, but one has to adhere to a proper renal diet. If the kidneys are in a compromising position, it can’t wholly filter or remove the waste. If one follows a kidney diet, it can promote healthy kidney function and slow down the progression of kidney failure. A kidney-friendly diet is one that is low in sodium, phosphorus, and protein.

There are specific key points that one should keep in mind while making their diet plan:

  • Sodium intake should be limited as it leads to higher blood pressure
  • One should include fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet
  • One must limit the potassium in their meal as it leads to muscle weakness
  • The phosphorus level in the diet should be managed
  • High-protein food like poultry and bakery products should be avoided
  • Aerated drinks, coffee, and alcohol should be avoided as they can further damage the kidneys

Ayurveda uses herbs and natural remedies to cure patients suffering from any physical ailments. Ayurveda is an ancient practice of healing the mind, body, and soul. Karma Ayurveda is one of the best treatment centers in Delhi, India, for Kidney diseases with Ayurvedic Medicine and Diet Plan. It is a complete Ayurvedic treatment center that has been treating kidney patients since 1937.

Currently, it is working under the guidance of Dr. Puneet Dhawan, an eminent nephrologist, practicing in Ayurvedic therapies for a long time. All the treatments at Karma Ayurveda are genuine and completely organic to consume by anyone. We at Karma Ayurveda have a specialized team of dieticians that form the best diet plan for kidney disease patients with unrefined herbs and organic supplements.

Following is the list of foods & drinks that kidney patients can consume:

  • Roasted vermicelli
  • Wheat Dalia/porridge/broken wheat
  • Green pumpkin
  • Raw papaya
  • Bottle gourd
  • Ridge gourd
  • Round gourd
  • Pointed gourd
  • Whole wheat chapatti/pita bread
  • Fresh fruits like apple, pear, papaya, guava (without seeds), cranberry, blueberry, and blackberry (50 to 100 grams per day).
  • Lactose-free biscuits/sugar-free biscuits/ wheat-based biscuits/ Marie gold biscuits
  • Cumin, turmeric, coriander powder, onion, green chilies (without seeds), asafetida, and carom seeds.
  • Double-toned milk/skim milk (50ml for a day)
  • Herbal tea/normal tea (1/2 cup a day)

Foods that kidney patients should avoid or consume with the advice of the practicing nephrologist:

  • Refined flour
  • Gram flour
  • Oily food
  • Fried food
  • Baked food
  • Processed food
  • Frozen food
  • Citrus fruits
  • Plantain and banana
  • Dry fruits
  • Spicy food
  • Salads
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Sweet potato
  • Cabbage and cauliflower
  • Egg yolks
  • Garlic and tomato
  • Multigrain biscuits
  • Curd, cream, butter, mayonnaise, margarine, and ghee
  • Fish, mutton, and red, etc
  • Table salt
  • Artificial drinks like diet Coke, juices, soups, etc
  • Coffee
  • Whole milk, flavored milk, and soya-milk

The following are a few recommendations that you can pick according to the mentioned time slot. It is very important to eat wisely. Your kidneys are weak already, and you should be careful with what and how you eat. Also, it is important to perform a few physical activities like yoga, exercise, and meditation so that you can have the best impact of Ayurvedic treatment and Diet Plan for Kidneys. Separate your meals every two to three hours in small meals; it will help in easing digestion.

So, for your convenience; we are suggesting a few food items and proportions that you can try to include in your meals:

Mid-Morning Breakfast

  • Milk/tea-50 ml/ ½ cups
  • 2 Marie gold biscuits


  • Veg Upma (once a week) or tortilla with one bowl of vegetables, Or
  • One bowl of wheat namkeen broken wheat with vegetables, Or
  • One bowl of wheat-roasted vermicelli with vegetables, Or
  • Stuffed boiled onion tortilla without oil or tortilla with one bowl of vegetables, Or
  • Brown bread sandwich one time in a week but without edges.


  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetables, Or
  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetables and 20 gm fresh curd Or
  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetable or cottage cheese curry 25 gm or one egg white curry but once a week.


  • 1/2 cup tea with a marigold biscuit


  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetables Or
  • Tortilla with 1/2 bowl vegetable and radish but once a week Or
  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetables and carrot but once a week.

There comes a circumstance when the patient is on dialysis, but the allopathic treatments are not effective; in that case, if the procedure can be stopped then we recommend stopping the procedure right away but if the situation is delicate and there is an urgent need to put on dialysis and Ayurvedic treatment both, then we may permit with the following diet chart:

Meal for before breakfast

  • ½ cup tea with whole wheat biscuits/marigold biscuits.

Meals for Mid-Morning and Evening

  • Apple/pear/guava without seeds/ papaya/ ½ cup tea with whole wheat biscuits/veg rolls.


  • Stuffed Paneer parantha in less oil or 2 boiled egg without yolk.

Before Lunch

  • Apple/ watermelon/papaya/pear/blackberry.

Lunch & Dinner

  • Tortilla with one bowl of vegetables like raw papaya/ pumpkin/ 1-2 pieces of chicken.

There are a few preventive measures that should be taken to keep your kidneys healthy. If you take these precautions seriously, then you can escape from the unwanted kidney diseases:

  • Keep control of your sugar level and blood pressure by consuming the foods mentioned above. High blood pressure and diabetes are the primary reasons leading to kidney diseases.
  • Practicing yoga postures like Pranayam and Vajrasan helps in preventing the kidneys from different kidney diseases.
  • Meditate for 20 minutes daily; it will prevent you from getting into depression and so does the rise in blood pressure level
  • Avoid the consumption of allopathic medication.
  • Always consult your doctor if you notice any symptoms of kidney damage in your body
  • Do not eat everything you like; always follow the diet plan provided for the benefit of your kidneys above or by your dietician.
  • Opt for an Ayurvedic treatment rather than going for painful and risk-taking treatments like dialysis and renal transplant.
  • Avoid the consumption of canned and processed foods; they can hamper your different body organs with multiple diseases.

Did you know that if your kidneys are unhealthy; then there are maximum chances of getting the other organs infected as well? Following is the list of organs that can be affected by kidney diseases:

  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Uterus
  • Bladder
  • Gall bladder
  • Heart

You can prevent the aforesaid organs from getting affected by kidney diseases even sitting at home and following the diet plan above. Follow a healthy diet plan and combat all the diseases. It is not beneficial only for the kidneys but for healthy living!

Disclaimer: This article must be taken as a reference. Your doctor is your buddy, kindly consult him before adopting this diet plan for kidneys.


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

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