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Ayurvedic Diet For Kidney Disease

Ayurveda suggests consuming a renal-friendly diet to combat kidney disease and its complications. A renal diet is inclusive of foods and drinks healthy for the kidneys and eliminating everything that poses a threat to the kidneys. Ayurvedic diet for kidney disease is one that is low in sodium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus components unhealthy for the kidneys. Actually, when the kidneys are not healthy, they have a hard time eliminating the buildup of these nutrients. Too much of these nutrients in the blood can aggravate the risk of many life-threatening conditions including heart palpitations, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and cardiovascular diseases.

Diet For Kidney Patients

Here are important elements of the kidney treatment in ayurveda :

Sodium: Sodium is a compound found in abundance in salt. Too much sodium in your diet can cause fluid to retain in the cells and tissues which elevates blood pressure level. High blood pressure is yet another prominent cause of kidney disease.

Protein: Protein is needed for vitalization and the renewal of cells and tissues. Consuming a little portion of protein is comfortable for CKD patients, but too much protein can be problematic for the patients. Animal sources of protein like poultry, fish, meat, eggs, dairy, etc. can put you at the risk of kidney failure.

Phosphorus: To help protect the bones and blood vessels from narrowing, the consumption of phosphorus is critical. In the event of damage, phosphorus may accumulate in the blood and pulls out calcium from the bones. This makes the bones to go weakened and thin. To avoid phosphorus, look for the labels of the food product you buy and avoid those with the name “phos” on them.

Potassium: Potassium is available in every fruit and vegetable. It is good for health unless you have any recurring kidney disease. Damaged kidneys allow potassium to buildup in the blood and further sabotage the kidney function. Those who excessively consume potassium during kidney disease inevitably invite serious heart problems. The best thing you can do to wipe off excess potassium from the food is to boil and leach them before cooking.


Ayurvedic Diet For Kidney Disease

Apart from these measures during the ayurvedic diet for kidney disease, you should also eat only heart-healthy foods. Heart-healthy foods are the ones that prevent fat from building in your heart and the kidneys. To prohibit the buildup of fat, try to limit saturated and trans fat in your diet. Including a kidney-friendly diet in your day is vital to promote the well-being of the patients. But how to know what foods are good or bad for your kidneys? Certainly, you will need dieticians who can curate the best diet for your health keeping in mind your kidney function. You can also ask for a reference for your diet at Karma Ayurveda.


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

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