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Eating a right diet is necessary if you want to manage your kidney disease level. During a kidney problem, the kidneys become weak and it is very difficult for them to filter the food we intake. If you ensure a right diet you can counteract and positively promote the good health that can cope with the symptoms of this condition. There are some handy tips that can help you plan a suitable diet that can help in kidney failure treatment:-

What Foods Are Good And Need To Avoid For Kidney Disease?

  • One should have a good knowledge about its health status as only then one can determine the food to be consumed. The best time for the diet of your kidney disease is during the early phase of the disease. It is easier to revive the kidney damage during the early stage.
  • The best component to be included in kidney diet is carbohydrate as it is a good source of energy. A good amount of energy source helps in combating the illness.
  • You should be aware of what food to avoid. Avoiding salts can help in lowering down the blood volume and ultimately blood pressure. One should also avoid potassium and phosphorus rich food.
  • It is important to exercise and rest as it can slow down metabolism and lessen the demand for greater food consumption.

Kidney-friendly food or ""superfood” is considered to have a high amount of antioxidant, vitamins and other nutrients.  Some of the most important food to be included is:

  • Apples contain pectin which is a fiber that can lower down the cholesterol and glucose level. It is a source of antioxidant and vitamin C.
  • Blueberries are fresh and have antioxidant power and are a low source of calories. They fight cancer, tumors and have possible brain health benefits.
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient for the body. They mainly help in controlling blood clotting and lower down the blood pressure. They have a potential benefit in the condition like cancer and autoimmune diseases.
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach are high in Vitamin A, C, K, and folate. You can add it in your salad as it boosts your immune system, health and protects your vision.
  • Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. The fiber and nutrients are associated with protection against heart disease and cancer. It also has anti-inflammation properties.
  • Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene and are an excellent source of Vitamin A and C.
  • Garlic helps in reducing cholesterol and inflammation in the body. It has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties. Due to these qualities, they can work optimally.

Once you start following the planned diet and add the right amount and quality of food, you will experience a difference. Keeping kidneys healthy along with Ayurvedic medicines can help in kidney failure treatment.


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JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

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