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Kidneys are a pair of organs that filter waste naturally out of the body in the form of urine. But, sometimes kidneys excrete essential nutrients in case of kidney disease. Usually, kidneys do not let protein escape in the urine but when they are attacked by kidney disease, an increased level of protein is noticed in the urine. This condition is known as proteinuria. Albumin and Globulins are the forms of protein present in the blood. 50% of the blood is albumin.

Albumin is responsible for various essential functions in the body like pulling water into the capillaries, controlling the right amount of water into the circulatory system, and binding certain insoluble substances in the body like fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, and some medications. When the state of proteinuria is achieved, it is an indication of Kidney disease is the decreased ability of the kidneys to function.

The following are the disorders:

A Diagnosis of Proteinuria

Following are the tests to ensure that you are not affected by proteinuria

  • A qualification by albumin/creatinine or protein/creatinine proportion (ACR or PCR) assurance examine
  • A test for Hematuria
  • Measurement of serum creatinine
  • Blood weight estimation

In Proteinuria patients, the danger of renal disease is more common in patients of a young age group and can be corrected by proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment.

Classification of Proteinuria

The loss of protein in the urine is noticed because kidneys are not able to remove waste properly. This condition is known as proteinuria and is of two types- transient proteinuria and orthostatic proteinuria.

  • Transient Proteinuria: Vigorous exercises, high fever, exposure to cold, and stress can lead to temporary excretion of protein known as transient proteinuria and it is not associated with kidney disease.
  • Orthostatic Proteinuria: It is seen in those people who sit or stand with their back straight due to which an increased level of protein is noticed. In orthostatic proteinuria, the kidneys are in good condition.

Proteinuria Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda, an ancient medical science, involves the use of specialized herbs. These herbs have medicinal properties and cure kidney disease naturally. According to Ayurveda, for the proper functioning of kidneys and to reverse the damage caused to these organs correct renal diet needs to be followed.

The following points should be kept in mind:

  • Prefer lean meat to red meat
  • Consumption of fish
  • Restrict salt intake
  • Consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes
  • Exercise regularly
  • Alcohol intake should be minimized
  • Reduce stress
  • Keep yourself hydrated

A proteinuria treatment improves the condition of an individual by creating a consistency between the body and the spirit. Ayurveda not only treats but also gives a way to deal with life and makes it long and lively. The only best solution to Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment which removes all signs and symptoms of the disease. Diabetes and Hypertension are the reasons behind proteinuria. Ayurvedic treatment is a one-stop solution to the disease and gives a long-lasting recovery to the patients. Karma Ayurveda holds firmly the power of Ayurveda and has treated a large number of patients since 1937. Karma Ayurveda understands your lifestyle and suggests Ayurvedic medication in order to give you better results and improved health without having any side effects on your body and eliminate the causes of proteinuria.


Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."

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