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Kidney problems have become a widespread occurrence among middle and old-age people due to change in lifestyle. The most common reason for Ayurvedic Medicine for kidney failure among aged people is due to their suffering from a prolonged condition like diabetes or high blood pressure. Kidneys are the vital organs of the body and perform some of the critical functions:

  • Clean and filter the blood
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Helps in keeping the bones strong
  • Produce hormones
  • Helps in the natural outflow of urine

In the case of kidney disease their ability to carry out the normal function of the body, it can indicate a situation of kidney failure. If the kidney disease treatment is not taken on time, it can result in complete failure of the organs.

Causes of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure can be of two types these are acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. They are a sudden and gradual loss of kidney functioning respectively. It has been found and reported that major cases of kidney failure are the result of other health conditions that have caused some permanent damage to the kidneys and their filters.

Moreover, the other two known reasons for kidney failure are high blood pressure and diabetes which is the modern-day issues in the elderly population and it is becoming common with time. Other reasons that can make your kidneys ill or make them fail are autoimmune diseases such as IgA nephropathy, lupus, etc. After this, certain genetic disorders are the leading causes of kidney failure like polycystic kidney disease.

However, the list of causes does not end here and includes urinary tract problems, nephrotic syndrome, and glomerulonephritis as well. As far as the cure for kidney failure is concerned, it totally depends upon the right time and the right form of treatment that a kidney patient receives at such time.

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Failure

There are many signs and symptoms of kidney failure that are visible in patients only in later stages. Some of the common signs are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Change in the color of urine
  • Blood in urine in severe cases
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain in joints and back
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling in hands, feet, and ankles

Diets without Dialysis in Karma Ayurveda

A regular healthcare check-up can help in lowering the chances of kidney failure, and one should get diagnosed if the signs remain for long. The diagnosis helps in understanding the stage of kidney disease and decides the direction of further treatment. Most people opt for allopathic treatment for kidney failure to get quick relief. Allopathic treatment involves going on dialysis and kidney transplants. Dialysis is an alternative to kidney functions until the damage is treated or the kidney is transplanted.

The diet changes that one has to make based on the level of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure. One must consult a dietician to plan a meal that will be healthy for your overall body. Some of the common foods that one should avoid or include are: Limit the sodium intake if you have high blood pressure. Food like table salt, canned foods, soups, salted snacks, and processed meat should be avoided as they have high sodium content. Limit the protein during kidney damage. The smaller portion of the protein can limit the amount of work that kidneys have to do. Limiting the amount of phosphorus in your diet as it gets built up in the blood. The high phosphorus content can loss of calcium and weaken the bones. The liquid should be limited in the later stages of the kidney disease as it remains in the body and can create swelling.

Ayurvedic kidney treatment with Medicine by Dr. Puneet Dhawan in Karma Ayurveda Clinic Along with a healthy diet, Ayurvedic medicines and treatment can have a long-term effect. They make use of Ayurvedic medicines and natural techniques that are pre-historically tested. One of the best centers in Asia that provides Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is Karma Ayurveda. It has been treating kidney and liver patients since 1937. The clinic offers wholesome wellness to all its patients with their medicines made of unrefined herbs and organic supplements.  


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