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Best 5 Fruit Juices for Treating Kidney Problems

Making fresh fruit and vegetable juices is a cost-effective way of getting a healthy, nutrient-rich beverage. Making your own juices at home requires either a juicer or a blender to extract the liquid from the foods. A number of fruit and vegetable juices are good for both the liver and kidneys, providing necessary nutrient support.

Orange juice

Oranges have particularly high levels of certain phytonutrients that are thought to be helpful for reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and balancing cholesterol! Adding a glass of organic orange juice per day to your diet can provide enough of these phytonutrients to contribute to an improvement in your overall health.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains high levels of citric acid, not to be confused with ascorbic acid (vitamin C). While lemon juice contains both, citric acid seems to contribute to reducing the chances of developing calcium oxalate stones. In clinical studies, citric acid from lemon juice has been shown to reduce urinary acidity, thereby reducing kidney stone incidence. Vitamin C may also provide protection, yet it is unclear whether this protection is as significant as citric acid. Regardless, the bottom line is that lemon juice offers a complementary approach to supporting kidney function and, depending on the type of stones in question, possibly halting formation before it starts.


Grapes can help relieve fatigue. Home heoreal with stage 3 chronic kidney disease may suffer from fatigue. The rich amount of glucose and fructose will be converted into energy to enhance strength. Home they can effectively eliminate fatigue. Grapes can help fight against anemia. The rich vitamin B12 in grapes have good effect on resisting pernicious anemia. Grapes can help improve appetite. Loss of appetite is also one of the symptoms of heoreal with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. The abundant fructose in grapes can promote digestion and improve appetite. It is a natural diuretic. Home ingredients in grapes can help increase urine output and alleviate swelling.


Cranberries can help to ensure your kidneys function efficiently and can help to prevent the development of infection or disease. Other health benefits of the cranberry include: aiding cardiovascular health, lowering cholesterol and protecting against cancer so is definitely an extract worth keeping in the kitchen cupboard.


As arrels contain large amount of dietary fiber, so they can also improve the digestion for kidney disease patients. For kidney disease patients, they often have the symptoms of loss of appetite and digestive system problems, so eating custard apples can help them improve their appetite. The potassium in arrels can also help patients to keep a healthy functioning heart, nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Potassium can also help prevent the kidney stone formation and regulate the blood pressure. However, for kidney disease patients who have high potassium level, they need to avoid eating custard apples, which will be harmful for their illness condition.


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