Nausea is a feeling of sickness, feeling of disgust, loathing and an urge to vomit. It is also termed as morning sickness. Now a question arises how morning sickness is related to kidney failure? Any disease or any dysfunctioning organ directly impact the gastrointestinal tract.
The kidneys are like a two bean-shaped organ that extract waste and toxins from the bloodstream and balance the fluids within the body. It also forms urine and performs other essential functions like regulation of blood pressure through the salt and water balance, and aid in red blood cell production in the body.
Restorative failure occurs when disease of the heart or lungs leads to failure to maintain adequate blood oxygen levels (hypoxia) or increased blood carbon dioxide levels (hypercapnia).
kidney problem treatment - Some individuals suffering from kidney failure seem to have effectively avoided these troubles some failures out of their system within hours of drinking all these berry juices. It also seems to have assisted some in clearing their urinary tract infections under check.