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A Kidney Biopsy, also known as the Renal Biopsy, is a procedure to extract kidney tissues, for laboratory analysis. It is a kind of test that helps doctors to identify the type of Kidney Disease one has, the severity of the disease and accordingly the treatment for it. It is also used to monitor the effectiveness of Kidney treatments and also to see if the kidney transplant is followed by any major complications. ""What is Kidney Biopsy?”

Kidney Biopsy is performed in two ways:

  1. Percutaneous Biopsy (Renal Needle Biopsy): It is the most common type of biopsy, where the doctor injects a thin biopsy needle, through the skin to remove kidney tissue.
  2. Open Biopsy (Surgical Biopsy): For this procedure of Biopsy, the doctor makes a cut near the kidneys around the areas from which the tissue samples should be taken.


If the urine or blood tests give an indication of the malfunctioning of kidneys, the doctor might take a decision to perform the kidney biopsy. The doctor might also require this test to be performed in order to:
  • Find the reason behind the increased level of waste product in blood.
  • Find whether the kidney tumor is tender or incurable.
  • Check for the performance of transplanted kidneys.
  • Determine the cause of blood in the urine
  • Check for the cause of the high level of protein in the urine.
  • Create a plan for the treatment of a diseased kidney
  • Watch for the extent of kidney failure and its speed of degradation.


A Kidney Biopsy provides valuable information in diagnosing kidney abnormalities and to decide its appropriate treatments. However, developing an infection after the procedure might pose a serious threat to health. One should always look-out for symptoms that could indicate an infection after your kidneys undergo biopsy.  Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Infection A doctor must be immediately contacted if you:
  • Have bright red blood or blood clots in your urine for more than 24 hours after your biopsy.
  • Are unable to urinate.
  • Have chills or a fever. ""What is Kidney Biopsy?”
  • Experience pain at the biopsy site.
  • Have redness, bleeding or swelling or any other discharge from the biopsy site.
  • Feeling of weakness or dizziness.
In general, the Kidney biopsy is a safe procedure. But possible health risks involve:
  • Bleeding: The most common Kidney Biopsy complication is, blood in the urine. Generally, the bleeding stops in a few days. However, bleeding that’s serious enough and requires a blood transfusion, affects a very small percentage of people who have undergone kidney biopsy.
  • Pain: Pain at the biopsy site, after a kidney biopsy is very common. However, it usually lasts only a few hours.
  • Arteriovenous fistula: If the biopsy needle happens to accidentally damage the walls of nearby veins and arteries, fistula gets formed between the blood vessels, which usually causes no symptoms and closes on its own.
  • Others: Though rare, but sometimes a collection of blood around the kidneys become infected and this complication is treated with surgical drainage and antibiotics. One more uncommon risk is the development of high blood pressure. ""Karma Ayurveda Reviews and Feedback, Avoid Fake Kidney Treatment”
In spite of certain associated health risks, the Kidney biopsy is an important step to be performed to determine the actual stage of the performance of kidneys, so as to start the correct treatment at the right time, to avoid further deterioration of kidney functions and work on the root cause to ward off the disease, permanently. ""What is Kidney Biopsy?”

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