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Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are also termed urinary calculi or renal stones. These are the hard deposits of salts and minerals that begin to form in the kidneys. This condition generally occurs when the level of waste products starts to increase in the body and the fluid presence is less. These are mainly composed of calcium and related salts. Kidney stones can also be treated using some home remedies along with the lifestyle modifications suggested by the doctors. The home remedies for kidney stones are several and can be done to improve renal function a bit.

One can always consult an Ayurvedic expert for the home treatment for kidney stones. The doctors will conduct a proper diagnosis and guide on the management of kidney stones. To cure kidney stones at home, the causes and symptoms must be well understood so that the patient doesn’t have to face any kind of complications in the later stages of life. Talking of the home remedies, the person should not begin the procedures on their own. Even the home remedies to cure kidney stones should be well understood.

What Are The Types Of Kidney Stones?

The kidney stones can occur in 4 forms that you might not be aware of. These have been explained below for the reference.

1. Calcium Oxalate: These types of kidney stones occur due to a lack of calcium and water intake in the body. This leads to the development of stones.

2. Uric acid: Generally, uric acid crystals begin to form in the body when the purine intakes are high due to the consumption of foods like shellfish and organ meat.

3. Struvite: These stones are formed in the body when an individual is exposed to some infections in the upper urinary tract.

4. Cysteine: The most common cause of the formation of cysteine crystals in the body remains to be heredity and genetics.

Some of the Home Remedies for Renal Stones:

1. Consumption of Green Tea

Green Tea for kidney stones

Speaking of home remedies for stone kidney, the consumption of green tea has been considered highly beneficial. The intake of green tea is meant to reduce the levels of calcium deposition in the kidney. As you start consuming green tea, the body experiences a spike in fluid intake making it easier for the kidney stones to dissolve and pass out through the urine. The use of green tea helps decrease the oxalate excretion in the urine, thus preventing stone formation. Green tea is a great choice among the natural remedies for kidney stones.

2. Maintain Hydration

Hydration for Kidney Stones

Usually, the people dealing with kidney stones are advised by the doctors to increase their water intake as a part of their home remedies for kidney stones. The increased levels of water in the body help to decrease the concentration and deposition of waste products in the urinary tract. Further, the fluid intake is also helpful in letting the small-sized kidney stones be flushed out from the body through the urinary pathways. Boosting your water intake remains to be the most effective home remedy for kidney stones.

3. Pomegranate

Pomegranate for kidney stones

When you consult a specialist for home remedies for kidney stones, they might ask you to include pomegranate in your diet routine as it helps combat kidney stones. It is among one of the best sources of active phytochemicals in the body that help provide relief in the burning sensation caused while passing urine. Since it contains phytochemicals, it serves as a muscle relaxant which facilitates the removal of kidney stones from the urinary pathways. Also, the consumption of fresh pomegranate juice can be counted among the most effective home remedies for kidney stones.

4. Horse Gram

Horse Gram for kidney stones

This is also termed ‘Kulthi’ in Hindi and is used widely in the category of home remedies for kidney stones. The seeds of horse gram hold a special place in the field of Ayurveda. These hold medicinal and therapeutic properties that make it an ideal choice for in-home treatment for kidney stones. Kulathi seeds can be prepared in a pressure cooker with some water. To treat kidney stones, a soup is made in the cooker and then collected and ingested.

5. Coconut Water

Coconut Water for kidney stones

Whether you look up the Internet or ask your Ayurvedic expert for home remedies for kidney stones, they will surely advise you to opt for coconut water as it increases the diuretic activity in the body. The increased urinary output will make it easy for you to flush out kidney stones much faster from the body. Holding several medicinal properties, the intake of coconut water allows for an overall healthy development in the body.


The home remedies for kidney stones should also be thoroughly researched and understood so that they only have positive effects on kidney function. You should always get in touch with an experienced Ayurvedic expert who can guide you on the efficacy of different home remedies for kidney stones and let the patient deal with the situation in a better manner.


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