Kidney Disease Symptom Chart

When you know the signs of chronic kidney disease, you can start with the best treatment of choice for your stage of CKD. The early you try your hands on the treatment; the early are the chances to avoid the need to rely on dialysis like expensive procedures. But all that requires your knowledge about the signs that may appear when you have the risk factors associated with this life-threatening condition. When you have the signs, see a doctor, and have the required blood and urine tests. The only way to know your cause of the occurrence of CKD is to consult your doctor. The ayurvedic approach works on the causes and the signs of a particular disease so that the disease can be fought off from its roots.

Here are the common signs of kidney disease

  • A fatigued or tired body

Healthy kidneys are involved with the production of the hormone called erythropoietin. This hormone further directs the body to make red blood cells that transmute the oxygen throughout the body. As the kidneys fail, they are unable to produce EPO and so the RBCs count in the body goes down, which makes the muscle and brain to get tired very easily.

  • Shortness of breath

The shortness of breath or breathing difficulty can occur for two reasons, the extra fluid retention in the lungs making it hard for the lungs to supply oxygen. The other one is the anemia, which arises because of the shortfall of red blood cells that can reduce the carrying capacity of the red blood cells. This is called panting, which can be cured with some preventive measures and changes in the diet plan.

  • Feeling cold

Anemia on account of low RBCs can make you feel cold and gives chills even when you are in a warm room.

  • Feeling dizzy

Another sign related to kidney problems is the feeling of dizziness or weakness as the brain does not get the required amount of oxygen that makes the patient dizzy, weak and tired.

  • Trouble concentrating

Our brain requires a continuous supply of oxygen to work efficaciously. In the absence of oxygen supply, you may have a problem related to concentration or trouble thinking properly. Also, people notice nitty-gritty things being missed up on account of kidney disease.

  • Dry and itchy skin

Kidneys are responsible for channelling the waste out of the body in the form of urine. But when they are unable to do so, the waste build-up in the cells and tissues result in dry, irritated, and itchy skin. The skin also looks dark when the kidney function is compromised.

  • Swelling in the body

Swelling in the body is a tell-tale sign of kidney problems. Falling kidney's health results in fluid retention in the cells and tissues, which prompt swelling of the legs, ankles, feet, and hands. The medical term that shows swelling is called Edema. On account of edema, patients find it hard to walk properly.

  • Puffy eyes

You will notice face getting swollen and eyes being puffy when the kidney function is low.

  • Poor appetite

Mostly those who are in their late stages of chronic kidney disease have a low appetite or poor food tolerance. A build-up of wastes in the blood can result in taste bud changing and bad breath. You also lose weight as you don’t feel like eating.

  • Upset stomach

The accumulation of the wastes in the bloodstream, which is called uremia, can make you nauseous and venting whatever you eat.

  • Urinating more, mostly at night

Since the kidneys are involved in urine formation, the impaired nature of them results in the urine frequency changing. You may pee more often than usual and in a large amount. The urine is also pale and the patient has to give pressure when urinating.

  • Bubbly urine

Albumin is a type of protein that your blood has for performing various regulatory functions. When the kidneys are diseased, they may allow such important nutrients to escape through the filters. The presence of albumin in the blood makes the urine foamy or bubbly that is why kidney patients find their urine having scrambled eggs.

  • Red-colored urine

The presence of the red blood cells in the urine makes it looks like it has blood in it. Some also notice the urine being brown in color. Noticing such signs in the body results can help up with the early diagnosis. The signs are the true measure to know how your kidneys are working. Based on the signs, you can see your doctor and go for the required kidney function tests and if three continuous tests show up some kidney disease, its time for you to take the required treatment. Karma Ayurveda is one of the most reliable ayurvedic kidney care hospitals that offer a completely natural way to cure kidney problems. With the ayurvedic treatment, you can be assured of the permanent removal of the kidney problems from your life. Along with a diet plan, a customized diet plan also helps the patient to survive the severity of the problem with ease. If you wish to know more about Karma Ayurveda, reach us! Note:  Lower back is not a prominent sign of kidney disease as your kidneys are located above the waist at the back. So, if you have back pain, consult a doctor, but don’t assume you have kidney disease. Want to take kidney health advice visit:- Kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan Check the below symptoms you have and then print it and share it with your doctor.

  • Feel tired all the time
    Rarely Often Always
  • I feel cold when others around me are warm
    Rarely Often Always
  • Feel short of breath after very little effort
    Rarely Often Always
  • I feel, dizzy or weak
    Rarely Often Always
  • I can't think clearly
    Rarely Often Always
  • Feel very itchy
    Rarely Often Always
  • Hands or feet are swollen
    Rarely Often Always
  • My face is swollen or puffy
    Rarely Often Always
  • Food tastes like metal and I don't want to eat
    Rarely Often Always
  • People tell me my breath smells like ammonia
    Rarely Often Always
  • I feel sick to my stomach a lot
    Rarely Often Always
  • I have to get up at night to make urine
    Rarely Often Always
  • My urine is foamy
    Rarely Often Always
  • My urine is brown, red, or purple
    Rarely Often Always
  • I feel pressure when I need to make urine
    Rarely Often Always


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