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Generally, most of us know polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disorder but there also exists a kind of PKD known as non-hereditary polycystic kidney disease. Like other types of PKD, in this problem, the fluid-filled sacs called cysts to get developed in the kidneys causing them to enlarge and lose their function. It is similar to PKD the only difference is, it is not an inherited disease as the name implies. A patient having non-hereditary PKD doesn’t get it as a mutation from any blood relative.  It is seen that in around 25% cases of PKD, a patient gets this kidney disorder without having any family history. As a result, it is known as non-hereditary polycystic kidney disease. If the patient doesn’t take the most appropriate non-hereditary polycystic kidney disease treatment, the condition may get worse leading to renal failure.

A person is at higher risk if he possesses the below factors:

  •        Having chronic kidney disease
  •        End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
  •        Having on dialysis
  •        Diagnosed with any kind of kidney disorder
If you don’t want PKD to grow in your body, then you should eliminate the above-mentioned condition. In order to relieve these causes, some healthy habits should be developed. Some of them are: Reduce the amount of Sodium, Potassium & Phosphorus in your food: These substances create difficulty for the kidneys to function well. So, it is advised to consume them in a limited amount. Drink plenty of water: Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. It not only keeps your body well-hydrated but also helps in kidneys functioning and excreting waste through urine. Exercise for at least 30 min. a day: Some certain exercises stimulate the overall function of the body. And are found to be very beneficial for improving and managing kidney health. Hence, exercising at least 30 minutes a day will help rejuvenate your body. Restrict over-protein intake: Consuming protein in excess can pressurize your kidneys and hence they will not be able to filter blood properly. Prolonged persistence may cause kidney damage thus you should avoid high-protein foods. Avoid Edibles having high-creatinine: When the creatinine level increases in the body, it affects kidneys working thus, one should avoid foods containing high-creatinine.

How non-hereditary Polycystic Kidney Disease can be treated?  

When it comes to the treatment of non-hereditary PKD, the doctor advises patients to undergo dialysis. Apart from this, a patient is also suggested to go for a kidney transplant. But both the treatment methods are very complex and do not offer permanent treatment advised for the kidney problem. On the other hand, Ayurveda- the most ancient medicinal system offers the best solution to the problem. The ayurvedic treatment works on the primary causes of the disease and tries to eliminate the effects of the causes. Additionally, it recommends a renal dietary plan and yoga activities which will help in boosting the treatment effect. All you have to do is find an Ayurvedic doctor having specialization in treating various sorts of kidney disorders. He will prescribe you some sacred herbal extracts along with a proper diet according to your kidney disease. The combination will help you in relieving this kidney problem very effectively. Karma Ayurveda Karma Ayurveda is a well-known name in treating various kinds of kidney disorders with Ayurvedic treatment. With immense knowledge and experience, it has successfully cured more than 35,000 of kidney patients who are now living a healthy and normal life. Headed by Dr. Puneet Dhawan, this Ayurvedic center aims to stop dialysis and kidney transplant by offering the best Ayurvedic Polycystic kidney disease treatment like non-hereditary Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Certificate no- AH-2023-0186

JAN 05,2023-JAN 04,2026

"Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine; it's a way of life. Connect with us to embrace a lifestyle that nurtures your body, mind, and soul."

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